Jumat, 26 Desember 2014

christmas present

Jika iya maka, kamu bisa mencoba sebuah cara unik guna membungkus kado. Kali ini bungkus kadi bisa kamu bentuk menyerupai kemeja, lengkap dengan dasinya. Penasaran dengan caranya?
Pertama, kamu harus menyiapkan bahan-bahan seperti:
  1. Kertas kado berukuran medium
  2. Hiasan pita
  3. Selotip bolak balik (double tape)
  4. Gunting
Lalu, simak langkah-langkah yang dikutip dari Mom & Kiddie berikut ini:
1. Siapkan kertas kado warna apa saja berukuran medium. Lalu lipat sebagian kecil kertas kado tersebut.
kado 1
2. Pada bagian yang telah dilipat rekatkan seloptip bolak-balik:
kado 2
3. Lipat kertas kado itu menjadi dua bagian yang sama ukurannya. Kemdian buka selotip bolak-balik tadi dan rekatkan keduanya. kado 3
4. Setelah itu, lipat bagian bawah ke dalam untuk membuat alas kado.
kado 4
5. Setelah itu buka kembali lipatan ke bagian samping seperti gambar di bawah ini.
kado 5
6. Selanjutnya, lipat bagian atas dan bawah lipatan tadi ke tengah lalu rekatkan. Lihat gambar di bawah ini:
kado 6
7. Masukkan hadiah Natal kamu ke dalam kertas kado yang sudah berbentuk kotak ini:
kado 78. Lipat bagian atas kertas kado ke arah dalam lalu gunting namun sisakan di bagian tengahnya.
kado 8
9. Setelah itu, lipatkan bagian atas yang telah digunting tadi ke arah dalam sehingga membentuk kerah kemeja atau baju. Setelah itu, rekatkan.
kado 910. Gunting miring kedua sisi yang masih terbuka lalu rekatkan dengan selotip bolak-balik
kado 1011. Tambahkan pemanis berupa pita berbentuk dasi atau aksesori lainya di tengah ‘kerah’ tadi. Dan kado kamu sudah siap untuk diberikan kepada orang lain!
kado 11Bagaimana, unik dan mudah bukan? Cara membungkus kado seperti ini bisa kamu praktikkan untuk memberi kado natal ke teman-teman atau kerabat kamu. Selamat mencoba! (RN)

how to copy ariana's hair style :D

Ariana Grande has beautiful hairstyles. One of the styles she wears the most is her half up, half down hairstyle, along with those lovely curls of hers. With some practice and the right hair supplies, you too will be able to get Ariana Grande's fabulous hairstyles.


  1. Get Ariana Grande's Hairstyle Step 1.jpg
    Start with day old hair (optional).
  2. Get Ariana Grande's Hairstyle Step 2.jpg
    Split the top half of your hair from your bottom half.
  3. Get Ariana Grande's Hairstyle Step 3.jpg
    Flatten your hair and make sure there are no fly aways. Ariana usually has no fly aways.
  4. Get Ariana Grande's Hairstyle Step 4.jpg
    When you're done making sure no hair is poking out, tie the top half of your hair as if you were making a ponytail, except with the top half of your hair.
  5. Get Ariana Grande's Hairstyle Step 5.jpg
    Heat up a 1/4" curling iron. Make sure to spray heat protectant on your hair, you don't want your hair burning.
  6. Get Ariana Grande's Hairstyle Step 6.jpg
    Curl the tips and such of your hair, including the tied up hair.
  7. Get Ariana Grande's Hairstyle Step 7.jpg
    Finger comb your hair to make the curls look and seem softer.
  8. Get Ariana Grande's Hairstyle Step 8.jpg
    Spray mist of hairspray.
  9. Get Ariana Grande's Hairstyle Intro.jpg

My Everything

I cried enough tears
To see my own reflection in them
And then it was clear
I can’t deny, I really miss him

To think that I was wrong
I guess you don’t know what you got 'til it’s gone
Pain is just a consequence of love
I’m saying sorry for the sake of us

He wasn’t my everything 'til we were nothing
And it’s taking me a lot to say
But now that he’s gone, my heart is missing something
So it’s time I push my pride away

’Cause you are, you are, you are my everything
You are, you are, you are my everything

I know you’re not far
But I still can’t handle all the distance
You’re travelling with my heart
I hope this is a temporary feeling

’Cause it’s too much to bear
Without you and I know sorry ain’t the cure
If I cross your mind just know I’m yours
'Cause what we got is worth fighting for

'Cause you are...

You weren't my everything 'til we were nothing
And it’s taking me a lot to say
Now that you're gone, my heart is missing something
So it’s time I push my pride away

You are, you are, you are my everything
You are, you are, you are my everything

You are, you are, you are
You are, you are, you are my everything

Rabu, 20 Agustus 2014

6 Penampilan Seksi Selena Gomez 2013

Pada 2013 lalu, Selena Gomez menginjak usianya yang ke-21. Semakin dewasa, pelantun 'Come & Get It' itu semakin kerap tampil seksi di berbagai kesempatan. Mana gaya terseksi Selena sepanjang 2013 menurut Anda?

1. Selena tampil seksi mengenakan dress Atelier Versace dengan brokat emas yang serasi dengan heels-nya. Jason Merritt/Getty Images.


2. Lagi-lagi Selena memilih gaun dari Atelier Versace. Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images.


3. Selena  tampil hot dan bersinar dengan bra bermotif bunga dan rok pensil high waist oranye. Michael Buckner/Getty Images for SXSW/AFP.


4. Selena seksi dalam balutan dress Atelier Versace yang dipadukan dengan heels Jimmy Choo. Reuters/Steve Marcus.


5.  Pelantun 'Who Says' itu dibalut dress merah rancangan Dolce & Gabbana, heels Casadei, dan perhiasan dari Neil Lane. Christopher Polk/Getty Images for ESPY/AFP.


5. Selena memamerkan keindahan kakinya di acara Teen Choice Awards 2013. Jason Merritt/Getty Images/AFP.

6. Selena Gomez memilih gaun biru dengan belahan tinggi sepaha di acara MTV VMA 2013. REUTERS/Carlo Allegri.

copylight by detik.com

Selena Gomez Pasang Tato Tulisan Arab

http://images.detik.com/content/2014/07/17/230/sgdlm.jpgSelena Gomez memamerkan tato barunya melalui foto yang diunggah dalam akun Instagram-nya. Tato baru tersebut berupa sebuah tulisan dalam bahasa Arab yang dilukiskan di punggung pelantun hits 'Come and Get It' tersebut. Wow!

Pada foto yang diunggahnya, Selena yang mengenakan atasan tanpa lengan berwarna hitam itu berpose menghadap belakang sambil memperlihatkan tato barunya. Seperti yang dituliskan mantan kekasih Justin Bieber tersebut di caption foto, Bang Bang Mc Curdy adalah seniman dibalik tulisan di punggungnya.

Ternyata ada alasan tertentu yang membuat penyanyi berusia 21 tahun itu memilih menato tubuhnya dengan tulisan Arab tersebut. Menurut Bang Bang, Selena sudah lama menginginkan tato tersebut dilukis di tubuhnya.

"Artinya 'Cintai Dirimu Sendiri'," ungkap Bang Bang mengenai tato baru di tubuh Selena yang secara harfiah berarti 'Cintai Dirimu Sendiri Terlebih Dahulu' dalam bahasa Indonesia.

"Awalnya Selena sudah menulis terlebih dahulu sesuai bentuk yang ia inginkan. Tato tersebut sekitar empat inchi, dan tak terlalu lama dibuat, mungkin sekitar 30-45 menit," sambungnya.

Menurut Bang Bang, Selena Gomez sangat menyukai tato barunya. Bahkan ia sempat membicarakan tentang tato selanjutnya, namun tidak dalam waktu dekat.


A Lot Like Love
gue nonton karena ada ashton kutcher hehehe. film ini bercerita pandangan pertama Oliver Martin dan Emily Friehl di bandara. Oliver pertama kali liat emily pas di bandara, trus Emily saat itu lagi berantem sama pacarnya, karna itu Oliver liatin Emily terus dan Emily-pun balik liatin Oliver. Namanya juga film romantic comedy pasti endingnya jadian-lah. Makanya jodoh ngga kemana Oliver ketemu Emily di NY sempet jalan-jalan juga, sebelum pisah oliver ngasih nomer rumah orang tuanya dan Oliver bilang ibunya yang angkat dan bilang kalo oliver udah sukses dan punya rumah sendiri jadi ga numpang dirumah orang tuanya lagi. Beberapa tahun kemudian, Emily lagi buka-buka nomor telepon, eh nemu nomor Oliver. Akhirnya Emily nelepon Oliver, ternyata Oliver masih tinggal sama orang tuannya hahaha (Ngakak bgt!!). Terus mereka janjian ketemuan tapi ketemuan nanti ilang lagi. Satu tahun kemudian Oliver melihat galeri foto ternyata punya Emily. Oliver nanya sama pegawai galeri itu dimana pemilik galeri itu, kata pegawai itu nanti juga dateng. Saking capek nungguin Emily, akhirnya Oliver ke rumah Emily sambil nyayiin lagu bonjovi untuk Emily. Eh,,, ternyata Emily udah punya tunangan. Gagal deh Oliver(kasiian baget :p) tapi Emily sadar ia lebih sayang sama Oliver. Akhirnya, Emily dateng ke rumah Oliver. Ternyata ada pernikahan, pernikahan siapa tuh??? cari sendiri ending-nya


heyyyyyy im back im happy i can write some of my story here again im going to post THE MOST ROMATIC MOVIE im sure one of you have watched this movie ...

1. John Tucker Must Die.

John Tucker (Jesse Metcalfe) adalah idola bagi seluruh gadis di sekolah. Mulai dari si pintar Carrie (Arielle Kebbel), ketua Cheerleader Heather (Ashanti), serta Beth yang vegetarian (Sophia Bush) berhasil dikencani oleh John Tucker. Kate (Brittany Snow) yang bekerja part time di sebuah restoran, melihat semua akal licik yang dilakukan oleh John Tucker.
Carrie, Heather, serta Beth saling mempertahankan argumen bahwa John Tucker adalah milik mereka. mereka bahkan tidak segan-segan untuk mendamprat satu dengan yang lainnya untuk mendapatkan John Tucker.
Melihat kejanggalan tersebut, Kate yang merupakan gadis tidak populer di sekolah, dengan lantang berteriak, bahwa mereka (Carrie, Heather dan Beth) dipermainkan oleh John Tucker. Maka semenjak itu, Carrie, Heather, dan Beth meminta advice serta bersatu untuk membuat rencana memberikan pelajaran kepada John Tucker.
Masih sama dengan cerita film komedi remaja romantis hollywood yang lainnya, film ini tidak menjual sesuatu yang baru dalam film. Kejutan nyaris tidak ada dalam film ini. Film ini hanya menjual kekonyolan dan kisah cinta anak SMU Amerika pada umumnya.
 17 Again

Bagaimana jadinya bila Anda yang berusia tiga puluhan tiba-tiba saja kembali menjadi remaja berusia tujuh belas tahun dan harus berjuang mati-matian menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan yang telah banyak berubah. Itulah yang terjadi pada Mike O'Donnell (Zac Efron).
Ketika masih di SMA, Mike adalah seorang remaja dengan masa depan cemerlang. Mike adalah atlet sukses dan mendapat bea siswa untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke universitas terkenal. Sayangnya, di saat yang sama, Scarlett (Leslie Mann) hamil dan Mike harus segera membuat keputusan besar.
Yakin bahwa hidupnya akan bahagia bersama Scarlett, Mike kemudian memutuskan untuk menikahi Scarlett dan meninggalkan semua yang bisa ia miliki saat itu. Dua puluh tahun kemudian, Mike mulai meragukan pilihan yang ia buat saat itu. Rumah tangganya mulai berantakan dan ia memilih tinggal bersama Ned Freedman (Thomas Lennon) teman baiknya.
Suatu hari, ketika Mike sedang berusaha menolong seorang pria yang akan bunuh diri, tiba-tiba saja Mike mendapati dirinya berubah menjadi dirinya ketika berusia tujuh belas tahun. Bingung dan tak tau harus berbuat apa, ia kemudian meminta bantuan Ned yang untungnya bisa menerima kejadian aneh ini.
Ned kemudian berpura-pura menjadi ayah Mike dan mendaftarkan Mike ke sebuah SMA. Kini Mike harus mulai beradaptasi dengan lingkungan yang sama sekali baru. Parahnya lagi, ia ternyata harus berada di satu sekolah dengan Maggie (Michelle Trachtenberg), putrinya.
Cerita ini berakhir happy Ending kok. Dan si Mike kembali ke wujud asalnya.

Kamis, 12 Juni 2014



The Fault in Our Stars is a 2014 American romantic comedy-drama film directed by Josh Boone, based on the novel of the same name by John Green. The film stars Shailene Woodley, Ansel Elgort, and Nat Wolff, with Laura Dern, Sam Trammell, and Willem Dafoe in supporting roles.
Woodley plays Hazel Grace Lancaster, a sixteen-year-old cancer patient who is forced by her parents to attend a support group, where she subsequently meets and falls in love with Augustus Waters, portrayed by Ansel Elgort.
The film was released on June 5, 2014 in Australia and New Zealand and on June 6, 2014 in the United States. It is scheduled to be released on June 19, 2014 in the United Kingdom, and July 10, 2014 in the Netherlands.[4] Filming took place in Pittsburgh, United States and Amsterdam, Netherlands.

The story takes place in Indianapolis, United States and is told from the viewpoint of sixteen-year-old Hazel Grace Lancaster, an intelligent and sarcastic young teen coping with long-term thyroid cancer. Distressed by Hazel's private nature, Hazel's mother urges Hazel to attend a cancer patients' support group at a local church in order to make friends, a request Hazel reluctantly accepts.
At the support group, Hazel garners the attention of a teenage boy named Augustus Waters, whose unyielding stare frightens yet intrigues her. Amidst group discussion, Augustus confesses to the members that his greatest fear is "oblivion", an answer which Hazel combats as foolish. The two bond immediately after the meeting and Augustus invites Hazel to his house.
In Augustus' basement, the two confide their experiences with cancer. Augustus explains his osteosarcoma which is luckily in remission but has led to the amputation of his leg. Before departing, the two agree to read each other's favorite novels. Hazel recommends to Augustus, "An Imperial Affliction," a novel that follows a cancer-stricken girl named Anna and parallels Hazel's own philosophies, stresses, and experiences regarding illness.
Augustus finishes reading "An Imperial Affliction," but is frustrated upon learning that the novel ends mid-sentence. Hazel verifies the cliffhanger ending and explains to Augustus that the novel's mysterious author, Peter Van Houten, had fled to Amsterdam after the novel's publishing and has not been heard from since nor has explained the novel cryptic halt.
Weeks later, Augustus reveals to Hazel that he has tracked down Van Houten's assistant, Lidewij, and through her has managed to start email correspondence with Van Houten. Hazel writes to Van Houten with questions regarding the novel's ending and outcomes. Van Houten eventually replies, but explains he can only answer Hazel in person and invites Hazel to visit him in Amsterdam where he promises to address her directly.
Hazel proposes the trip to her mother, but is rejected due to financial constraints. Later, Augustus surprises Hazel with tickets to Amsterdam, attained through a charitable make-a-wish foundation. The two bond closer amidst Hazel's concern over her health.
Days before the trip, Hazel suffers an episode of pleural effusion and is sent to the ICU, prompting her doctors to question the safety of Hazel travelling overseas. The medical team argues against the trip but eventually complies with Hazel's parents to accommodate her travel.
Hazel and Augustus finally meet Van Houten but are shocked to find that, instead of a prolific genius, Van Houten is a mean-spirited drunk. Lidewij confesses to having arranged the meeting on his behalf, angering Van Houten, who proceeds to insult Hazel's cancer and refuses to answer any of her questions. The two leave Van Houten's in disappointment.
Accompanied by Lidewij, Hazel and Augustus visit the Anne Frank house. Hazel struggles to climb the house's vaulting staircases but finally succeeds in doing so. At the end of the tour, Augustus and Hazel share a romantic kiss. They then head back to the hotel and make love for the first time.
The following day, Augustus confesses that a recent CT scan revealed his cancer to have relapsed entirely. Resolute, the two affirm their love and support for each other.
Upon returning to Indianapolis, Augustus' health worsens significantly. In his final days Augustus arranges a pre-funeral for himself requesting that Isaac—Augustus' best friend—and Hazel speak eulogies for him to witness firsthand. Hazel quotes Van Houten about "larger and smaller infinities" and confides that she would not trade their short time together for anything in the world. Augustus dies eight days later.
At the funeral, Hazel is astonished to find Van Houten in attendance. Van Houten explains that he and Gus maintained correspondence since Amsterdam and that Augustus had demanded Van Houten make up for ruining their trip by attending his funeral. Van Houten confides in Hazel that his novel is based entirely on his own daughter, Anna who died from cancer herself at a young age. In forgiveness, Van Houten attempts to reveal the fate of Anna's mother, but Hazel, still upset with his behavior, asks him to leave her.
Days later, Lidewij contacts Hazel via email, revealing that Augustus had asked Van Houten for assistance in writing a eulogy for Hazel. The novel concludes with Hazel reading Augustus' words to Van Houten, in which Augustus confides his acceptance of death and his love for Hazel, a sentiment which Hazel returns.

One Direction - Story Of My Life

Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain
I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days
She told me in the morning she don't feel the same about us in her bones
Seems to me that when I die these words will be written on my stone

And I'll be gone, gone tonight
The ground beneath my feet is open wide
The way that I been holding on too tight
With nothing in between

The story of my life
I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm
And time... is frozen (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life
I give her hope
I spend her love
Until she's broke
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

Written on these walls are the colors that I can't change
Leave my heart open but it stays right here in its cage
I know that in the morning now I see us in the light upon a hill
Although I am broken, my heart is untamed, still

And I'll be gone, gone tonight
The fire beneath my feet is burning bright
The way that I been holding on so tight
With nothing in between

The story of my life
I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm
And time... is frozen (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life
I give her hope
I spend her love
Until she's broke
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

And I been waiting for this time to come around
But baby running after you is like chasing the clouds

The story of my life
I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm
And time is frozen
The story of my life
I give her hope (give her hope)
I spend her love
Until she's broke (until she's broke inside)
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

The story of my life
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life


Harga 75.000
( Harga sewaktu waktu dapat berubah, hubungi kami untuk update harga )
Shiro No Himitsu
-Japanese Whitening Secret-
Mau kulit wajah putih permanen? Bosen sama produk yang umbar janji abal2 tanpa lulus uji tingkat internasional dan TANPA HASIL??
¤ Tanpa Pengelupasan ¤ Tanpa Merah ¤
Kulit langsung terasa Lembut, Cerah, Pori2 mengecil dan WOWWWW..!!
Fungsi Utama :
• Memutihkan kulit wajah secara permanen
• Mengurangi garis halus
• Mengurangi lingkar hitam dibawah mata
• Mengangkat sel kulit mati
• Mengecilkan pori2
• Menghilangkan Jerawat
• Mengeluarkan bakteri jerawat hingga ke dasar kulit paling dalam
Shiro No Himitsu adalah masker wajah alami tanpa bahan kimia (telah lulus uji dan bersertifikat) dari negara Jepang yang terbukti mampu mencerahkan wajah secara permanen tersedia 2 variant ( Coklat dan Strawberry)
Aman digunakan dari bayi, ibu hamil hingga lanjut usia.
Saat baluran masker sudah mengering di kulit, semua toksin dan bakteri pada sel kulit akan terangkat sehingga kulit bersih, putih, cerah, dan segar. Mengangkat sel kulit mati secara natural dan menggantinya dengan kulit baru.
Cara penggunaan :
• Bersihkan wajah menggunakan air hangat untuk membuka pori pori agar hasil lebih maksimal. Keringkan dan Ambil 1 sendok makan bubuk masker dan campurkan dengan 1 sendok makan air putih (lebih maksimal jika menggunakan susu cair putih/murni), aduk hingga hasil menjadi adonan lembut dan kental. Oleskan ke wajah menggunakan kuas secara merata, diamkan 15-30 Menit. Bilas dengan air dingin.
Telah lulus beberapa uji standard kosmetik tingkat internasional dan best seller di negara Jepang & Korea.
» Lulus sertifikasi Natural Product Association
» Lulus standard International Organic and Natural Cosmetics Corporation (BDIH Standard)
» Lulus standard ISO 9001:2001 SGS
» Lulus Standard GMP
Komposisi :
Kojic Acid, Mulberry, Hyalutonic Acid, Collagen (For Firm, baby-like skin), Vitamin C&E (Whitening), Q10 (Anti Aging), Astaxanthin (Firming & Lifting), Pearl Powder, Pomegranate, Red Ginseng.

Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

katy perry - unconditionaly

Oh no, did I get too close?
Oh, did I almost see what's really on the inside?
All your insecurities
All the dirty laundry
Never made me blink one time

Unconditional, unconditionally
I will love you unconditionally
There is no fear now
Let go and just be free
I will love you unconditionally

Come just as you are to me
Don't need apologies
Know that you are worthy
I'll take your bad days with your good
Walk through the storm I would
I do it all because I love you, I love you

Unconditional, unconditionally
I will love you unconditionally
There is no fear now
Let go and just be free
I will love you unconditionally

So open up your heart and just let it begin
Open up your heart and just let it begin
Open up your heart and just let it begin
Open up your heart

Acceptance is the key to be
To be truly free
Will you do the same for me?

Unconditional, unconditionally
I will love you unconditionally
And there is no fear now
Let go and just be free
'Cause I will love you unconditionally (oh yeah)
I will love you (unconditionally)
I will love you
I will love you unconditionally

Miley Cyrus Pamer Tato Kucing di Bibirnya

Setelah Ariana Grande, kali ini giliran penyanyi penuh sensasi Miley Cyrus yang memamerkan tatonya. Uniknya, pelantun hits 'Wrecking Ball' itu melukiskan tato di bagian dalam bibir bawahnya. Wow!

Miley pun memamerkan tatonya itu lewat foto yang diunggahnya di akun Instagram-nya. Tato tersebut menampilkan seekor kucing yang sedang bersedih.

Pada salah satu foto, tak tertulis kalimat apapun kecuali sebuah emoticon berbentuk kucing. Nampaknya kucing tersebut menjadi inspirasi Miley dalam membuat tato tersebut karena terlihat serupa.

Sedangkan di foto kedua, penyanyi berusia 21 tahun itu menuliskan, "#sadkitty #f--kyeahtulsa @waynewontpostpicsofsnakedwomen @katyweaver #lovemoneyparty #freaks."

ikat rambut sederhana

hey im gonna share something about you expecially a girl if u have beautiful hair im sure that u wont let this part skip here they are HOPE YOU LIKE IT :D